Saturday, 19 August 2017

Where is my First Love?

The other day I was preparing for our Young Adults sessions that would take place at church the next day. I spoke about a topic I am extremely passionate about, and this was the picture of the relationship between Christ and the Church that the book of Song of Solomon so intimately ponders on. As I was preparing I soon realised that I had lost the flame that once burned deeply in my heart.

It was like I could hear a cry from deep within me, "I miss this so much". As the Tuesday evening arrived and I brought the message of the song of all songs, immediately I remembered the deep desire of being lovesick for God I had just after I finished my Grade 12 year. After I had passed my last schooling year, I then went into full time ministry a month later. I worked for a ministry called Yeshua Ministry and we intently focused on fasting, prayer, meditating on the Word of God and reaching out to people. This was probably one of the best memories I have in the kingdom so far and this was because I had my main focus in eye sight, and that was loving God first and with all my heart. This is where I found my deepest pleasure, this was my joy. It was solely in the invisible God, He had all my heart.

As life continued, I became complacent and packed in many areas of my relationship with God. To self justify I probably thought that everything had a piece of me, however, everything else consumed me. I forgot what it was to be consumed by the Lord and to be stationed in the set apart position He had once led me to.

Revelation 2:4-5 (NKJV)
Nevertheless I have this against you, that you have left your first love. Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent and do the first works, or else I will come to you quickly and remove your lampstand from its place - unless you repent. 

This scripture speaks very deeply from Jesus straight to the church of Ephesus in this scripture. However, we have all come to a point in our lives where we have wandered away from our first love and started commiting harlotry because we sought after other lovers and after the temporary pleasures of this world.

Let's turn away and turn towards. It is all about positioning one's heart, for out of that our lives will be repositioned. God just does not want us to love Him or be in love with Him. For that is merely just the start of the process. There is a dimension of passion, fire and maturity that you cannot find in any other dimension of love than being in the place of the Shulamite woman. That is to be LOVESICK for JESUS. 

Why not would I ask? Why not be in love with One so brilliant in awe and majesty? He has everything that each individual needs. He wants to be that to us, but we have to allow Him to come in to His garden, for it is His rightful place.


Like my page on Facebook: Rowyn Coetzee
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