I am sitting on my bed allowing my full stomach to digest the food and treats I had at Teneale (a friend and sister's) 21st celebration. As I am waiting for the food to settle I thought about killing some time with my first blogpost for 2017.
For quite some time now I have been going through an emotional rollercoaster of very sudden emotion that stems from every dark place in my soul, leaving long lasting effects on my life and those around me. I have been feeling this way because of the power of the mind, subconscious mind and the emotions. I literally felt like my soul was being discarded into various cracks within the broken road I walk on.
For months this blinding blanket of emotion clothes my eyes from actually seeing that I am confounded in what I thought was "being okay".
I started to respond to God indirectly in a way of legalism and duty, and not out of the love I had once known between Him and I. Without me knowing, I tend to go into this cycle and once I am far in it, I then see the light. Only to go through the cycle again. I drift away from Him in every sense of the word, and if you do not have the spirit of discernment looking from the outside in, you would not recognise where I find myself.
The Lord had shone a light on the brokeness of my soul during a worship night I attended on Clifton beach a few days ago. I had bumped into some family from Jericho Walls and I immediately saw a reflection of who I ought to be. In an instant the Holy Spirit had revealed to me how I had swiftly but smoothly run away from who I truly am. Yes, I was running away from the Holy One of Israel like the man in the garden, but I was running away from who I am in Him.
You see, many of us are running away from the purity of who God is. We do not feel worthy, we do not feel like we are in right standing with a just God. However, there are many of us running away from who we are in Him. We run away from who He has destined and called us to be. For if we had walked in our calling, then we ought to live in a royal standard of living. You cannot be called a royal priesthood of a just God but live like a beggar. It does not add up. It reminds me of these movies of how someone who has been ordained to be the next king or queen of a certain kingdom, but in these movies these individuals would rather taste of the peasant lifestyle because to walk as a royal you would have to live according to a very specific standard.
Firstly, we have to deny our own desires of wanting to be normal. As much as being a royal is a privilege and an honour, the normal just seems like a better option because it is easier.
Secondly, we are going to have to learn the way of our father who is a king. We have to unlearn the immature ways of growing up and we have to pick ourselves up because a whole kingdom will soon depend on our maturity and wisdom that we would have learned through the training process.
This is the same with us. We run away from our callings and destiny because to reach those places, we have to lay our own selfish desires down because very soon we would have had to make decisions and live before a people who will follow us.
You may be at a place in your life where you are running away from God and your calling, whether you are running away deliberately or without you being aware. I want to remind you that a covenant does not last for just a month or a few years, but once you said yes you have given God the authority to orchestrate your life forever. The enemy wants to kill the real us, the true us. Once we know who we truly are in God our Father, then we will be effective in the earth.
There is a calling on your life. He is calling us first to intimacy with Him, then to be who He destined us to be. However, there will always be a fight for your will. There will be a fight for you to either say yes to the call of the Father or to deny your calling in Him.
May this year be that year that we give our lives wholly to Him for all He is and all we can be in Him. For it is for our benefit and for those around us.
For you can run, but you cannot hide. God will always hunt you down with His pure overwhelming love. It is either you will know His love now, or He will meet you right in the place of sorrow.
Stay up to date with my blogposts and follow me for my music on the following platforms:
Youtube: Rowyn Coetzee
Facebook: Rowyn Coetzee (page)
Twitter and Instagram: @rocoetzee
Soundcloud: Rowyn Coetzee
Soundcloud: Rowyn Coetzee
Rowyn Coetzee.
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