Monday, 30 January 2017

I belong to another (Poem)

He used to touch me so sensual
With selfish hands scratching down my back
I found myself in the heart of the night
With brokeness in the room

Moans of sensual intimacy grew in the room
As it shouted the story of my heart
For I had tasted the forbidden fruit
For surely I would die

I died a hundred deaths that night
As pain filled my body, and the bed sheets were wet
Dripping of pain and depression
As I gave myself to a mortal man

For he was not one, neither was he two
He was more than what I could count on my fingers
He was more than what I knew myself to be

The night came to an end
And I would pull up my pants
But my soul was naked and exposed
He now knew me because I gave my soul to the many of them

I sought for a love
I sought for a great love
For I did not find it at home
Neither did I find it in the world

But as I remembered something
As I laid down with him that night
And he took me to bed
I could hear this voice behind the curtains of grace

He called me by my name
Asking me why I had run away

I shun His voice as I looked into another's eyes
I was captured by the vague moment before my eyes
And I knew that I was empty
I knew I was so empty

As I touched his body and he touched mine
I felt another Man touch me from behind
He said, "My son, You are still mine"
You will soon rise

Soon enough as I rose from that bed that night
I could still feel another's love
And as I walked the street of shame
I knew He was with me in all of this

You see, that was the problem since the start
He was there
He was there when I gave myself up in the night
He was there when another man took my clothes from my mortal frame

I was exposed in the night
But He clothed me with such mercy

The morning after
I found myself sick to my stomach
With another scent on my body
I would scrub to remove the reminding stench of another lover

But I had looked upon my hand
And I saw this ring
That told a story of a covenant that could never be broken
I realised that day
I belonged to another Man

Like my Facebook page for links to my following blog posts and poems: Rowyn Coetzee

Instagram and Twitter: @rocoetzee

Youtube: Rowyn Coetzee


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