For the past couple of weeks our youth has been dealing with self-esteem and identity issues. I know that this topic was something very close to home, but my understanding to the topic has increased tremendously. It was heart-sore to see how many of us are really struggling with how we see ourselves.
It is true that the opinion of others, even in our youth has affected the way we now see ourselves. Our identity crisis has been like a nagging pain in our lives, something close to a stubborn headache.
The enemy has lied to us for all this time. He used individuals to plant seeds of doubt in our years of childhood. The doubt soon became a living tree, that whenever we found ourselves in a tough situation, the tree would begin to speak saying that we weren't good enough, we are not worthy, we are not secure enough. All this to break us down. For how could one individual be himself or herself if most of what they were supposed to be were broken? Most of us, no matter what our age, has experienced a sense of brokenness when we were younger when that little boy told us we had a big head, or a broad forehead. As that little girl said she didn't want to play with you because you had no money, or you just didn't fit her view of friendship.
We have placed ourselves and have allowed others to be put into a mould, a box to constraint and restrict us from living out full potential and aiming to reach for our God-given destiny.
I heard a friend of mine teach on how people have put labels upon us wherever we go. One of the labels that was presented was the word "Christian". My being slightly jerked as I saw this label being presented as just another mould to keep us in a position of not being our true selves. Yes Christian meaning we are little Christ's is part of who we are, but there is another "Christian" that people boldly profess, and with this label it is associated that we ought to dress a certain way, speak a certain way, wear certain clothing, have certain types of friends. But it was all a lie!
Beloved when Jesus came, He came and practically broke the view of what Christianity looked like to the Pharisees and Saducees. Yet, we return to that same culture. The culture of a worldly view of Christianity, when Jesus came to paint a different picture.
Our identity is not found in the way we look or present ourselves in a building, but it is found in Jesus Christ Himself. I don't change my ways because someone said I should, I change what needs to be changed when Holy Spirit shows me the faults and flaws in the way I live my life.
Why do we live to please man? Why do we change to fit ourselves into someone else's view of identity? Is this not an insult in the eyes of Creator God?
Firstly, we need to understand that God took out time and effort to create us. According to Psalm 139. It was His pleasure to create each and every one of us. He is an artist, a creator. If you would understand that a painter doesn't paint the same picture twice, you would understand that God doesn't paint the same picture twice. He takes delight in variation of diversity.
Secondly, God the God of all is in love with us. And if I could add, He has always been in love with us and still is madly in love with us. He has His eyes set on you as an individual.
So why do we then live like another when we are not another?
It is beautiful to be flawed. It is beautiful to be real. It is liberating not to live up to certain people, or society's standards.
I am sure that the question already came up in our minds or subconscious minds; "If I could change something about myself, what would it be?" Some of us would say we would want a sharper nose or a longer chin. Some would say, they wish they were a bit taller or a bit shorter. Some would say I want more fat on my bones and others would really rejoice to lose some fat. Oh gosh, who made the standards of what it was all supposed to look like? If it is affecting your health, then do something about it. However if it is to please the second or third party then kill the thought and let the fat roll.
Our identity was never in something else like the clothes we wear or the things we own. Neither was our identity in another person. All we are and all we can ever be is found in the 66 book love letter (Like Robyn Hamman says) that God wrote to humanity.
We must understand, that the Father' heart is burning with passion for humanity. All He wanted was to be close to us. He knows that when we close to Him we can conquer the world, we can conquer ourselves.
(Like my page on Facebook: Rowyn Coetzee)
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