Wednesday, 20 April 2016

Kiss me

This is my first evening at Goudini Spa with the Grade 12s of 2016 for their camp, and I feel the Presence of God so strong on me.

This is the second most favourite time of the year for me, where I in silence can be refreshed and open to hear what needs to be heard.

I have been thinking about the deeper things of life. What I should be appreciating more and what I should cut out of my life. I started to remember how much I love my family, how much they mean to me. I remember how much something such as a technology and social media has consumed my life and has stolen so many precious moments I should have savoured.

Even so, as I remember all these things that are indeed precious to my heart, none of that really matters. Not really! Nothing else matters but that I would be close to Him and with my head on His chest. I desire to be blessed financially, be able to have the ability to make my family live comfortably, be successful in my career and know who I am without doubt. However, if it is all without Jesus then all these things are in vain. Not to mention if these things are our pursuit beyond seeking God and His righteousness first then we are missing the very precious point. To love God with all our hearts.

Nothing else matters. All these things can be taken away from me, but they cannot take my love between me and Him.

He wants to kiss His beloved bride, but His bride needs to set out time for intimacy. Just like a husband and a wife, if you are not showing love to each other in physical ways as well then the fire in the marriage would soon fade out. The same it is with us and our Lover Jesus. We need to keep intimacy burning everyday.

Let's kiss Him and let Him kiss us with the kisses of His Word.

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