Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Darkness in the night

Darkness surrounds me like a plague
Like a smell to my body, it conceals the very depths of me
It touches places I cannot see
And makes me wonder what I really, truly believe

Is this darkness to strong for my comprehension?
I ask
Is it too deep for my understanding?
Yet it frames my world and makes me prisoner to the locks of torment and horror

Locked in a cave,  a chamber I hold
Of hurt and pain that never cease to appear
They stand, they watch
They take note of my every move
Until they get bored of toementing me, I thought

Until that night came that I started to wander
My feet continually walked His ways, yes
But darkness always found itself back in my room
Back in my face

It slept with me, penetrated me
It touched my mind and made sets of thinking
Yet there is a love that conceals the very depths of the night
And shines brighter than my own very might

I hold fast to that thought, that it will be okay
I will encounter Him someday
The One who promised to give me that justice of freeing me from myself
And helping me onto a road that only He can take me on

Please I beg of You, save me from myself
Save me from the night
For it crawls and sneers at me and says,
"Why don't you?"
It whispers,
"Who are you?"

So I know I have to be around those who possess the light
Those who keep the influence like salt in their hands
Those who leans on the stability of His hands

I know those watchmen who carry on in the night
And stand guard at the gates
Those are the people I need to be with, my spirit says
Intercessors who bears the other sins, the other people's burdens
"For they carry my yoke, my burden" says the Lord.

"I have annointed them to carry the oil that will deliver you from the night
For they will help you so that you can once again pour out the oil to deliver in deep intercession"

This is who I am
Not the one the beast of the night describes me as
Not as he views and understands me
Yes he surely knows who I am
But he would rather lie and spit insults in my face
Or wait, maybe allure me with sweet words that will affirm I am his mate

So we walk around special to Royalty
And to the One who carried it all
The One who sits on a throne
With flashing and lightings
But we walk and wander as people in darkness because the darkness has kept our eyes from seeing
And our ears from hearing
Through impurities and spots on our garments
More like mud soaked garments

Oh God deliver us from evil
That we may be pure in Your training grounds again
Reaffirm us once more
Rebuke us once more
And open our eyes that we may see the true Light

For when we see the person who is Light
We will be forever changed

This is my cry

All rights of these words belong to Rowyn Coetzee
Written on the 9 February 2016, 22:30pm
Darkness in the night

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