Monday, 4 January 2016

The things that matter

There is the world; then there is our world. 

I believe each individual creates for them a world that they find themselves in whether they are aware of it or not. In our individual worlds there are certain things that are pleasant to us and there are certain things that defies what we would like our lives to look like.

Everyone is really excited about how we entered the new year, 2016, and how much of a wonderful or terrible year it has been last year; but I cannot help to think how many people are going into the new year with last year's "stuff". Now I am certainly not talking about having new year's resolutions, but my question is, if it kept you back in 2015, why carry it into 2016?

This leads me to another question, what really matters in our lives?

Spending so much time with people over the festive season got me thinking, "What is it that really matters in your life Rowyn?". Is it my mobile phone? Is it my addiction to post everything I am doing on social media? Or is it the daily routine of work, play, sleep? Yes all these things and others are legitimate to our daily living, but once it consumes your time and energy there is a big problem.

In an age where technology is such a part of our lives, our lives become more and more robotic and eventually our lives will become so dull and disillusioned. Soon we won't be able to properly communicate with one another, where conversations lasts 10 minutes or so and then we back to our cellphones. Just like clockwork. Do we really want to be so in touch with the world that we lose the beauty in the moment we find ourselves in? Because simply we find ourselves in China or in Russia where some random person just posted a funny video and now we want to share it with our social "make believe friends"; where Susan is trying to talk to you and John is trying to sing a song to you in the current moment.

There are things in this life that matter. Like seeing a friend who lives in a total different city who came to visit. Like seeing our babies walk and say "dadda or mamma" for the first time, or even helping the lady in the road with her heavy groceries.

Technology and all these things that make up self-consumed living were designed to make life pleasurable and convenient, not rule and destroy real friendships and real moments. Do we really make friends that matter these days? Do we even know what our families enjoy or what their favourite colours are? It is time we stop living passed each other and start really loving each other. Get into conversation with someone. Write a song, write a letter or write a poem. Make a joke with somebody, get up and visit somebody. Make supper for some friends and take a road trip together. Soon all the things we so take for granted are going to be taken away from us and then what can we say? "Oh, I am sorry I missed it, I just got so caught up in me, myself and I."

So what are those things that has hindered true relationships and honest moments in your life? (Take a moment to think about that for a moment)

Life is so precious and so fragile. You might think that everyone is here to stay in your life who matters, but the tables turn so quickly. Soon this one is taken away and that one is moving away. Regard every moment as precious, whether good or bad, and ask yourself does this matter in my life today?

(If you liked my blog please share this link with someone who you can encourage today. I do have my own page on Facebook where I post my blog links from now onward, and also there are a few announcements to be made on my page on Facebook. So if you want to stay in touch, go to the search bar on Facebook and type in: Rowyn Coetzee. Once you have found the page click the LIKE button and share my posts)




1 comment:

Abba Father (poem)

Tonight as I walked in the dark I thought about what it would be like If you were here with me in flesh If you were here holding my hand ...