Thursday, 28 January 2016

Breaking out of the box

This week has been a difficult one for me emotionally and in other ways I cannot explain. Someone had told me something really offensive, and in this person's view it was probably just an opinion, but I don't do well with people being opinionated about me in any way. Simply because I am really not interested in other view points or opinions.

I had to continually tell myself to not take offence as verbal vomit kept coming my way, but you know certain things does not easily become null and void. Anyway, I went home and some people could sense I was not myself and they prayed for me - which I really appreciate. If you knew me personally you would know that I seem like I am taking in people's drainage, but when it reaches a certain point, you will know that that point had come. Also, I would play things over and over in my head, just because I am wired this way, it is who I am.

As I was earnestly praying this morning in a morning watch, I just felt the need to pray myself out of that box. People can so easily place you in a box, a category and set boundaries for you. Hence this we now place a boundary because of other people's boundaries and you believe it all.

I believe the Lord is busy teaching me a lot of things. He continually teaches me that man is so flawed and that He alone is faithful. As much as we esteem them, as much as you think they are close to you as a person, it just gets to that place where you know that God alone is good. Someone encouraged me this week to say that the Lord is setting us up, and I said that this setting up is hard. Someone also told me not to give up and all these encouragements became my line of support and upliftment. Knowing that people are praying and knowing that they care is one of the most treasured moments we can experience in relationship sense.

At the start of this year, I was really excited and ready to run with dreams and vision in my heart. However as the first month comes to an end I am learning that it is not going to be that easy. That perseverance is a very pivotal part of the journey and that I have to be tenacious to push breaking those enclosing suffocating boundaries. In order to break through these boundaries we have to sometimes become violent in our pursuit, because whatever you permit you allow right?

I am learning what my weaknesses are and I am learning what my strengths are, but I can assure you these two things, that to change for someone is not worth it and to be put into a box is such a dangerous place to be. Because one I am either going to relax in that box and make it my home, or I am going to bomb you and the box!

Watch out you are forming the uncontrollable force to be reckoned with, it is just about time... Don't view the silence as something timid, for in silence there is a lion ready to roar.


If you were pleased with my blogpost or previous posts you have read about me, then please like my page on Facebook: Rowyn Coetzee.

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