Saturday, 5 September 2015

Embracing YOU

We are all on this journey called life and we are in the process each day. The process in discovering our destiny, the process of searching to fill the God-sized void and the pivotal process of finding out who we are.

Now this might sound a bit crazy, but a few years ago I thought I found myself and I thought I was okay. So that didn't work out too well. Until I found out that this life is a process and we are walking to that place of knowing in full.

I always knew that I was not like the rest, even when I tried to fit myself into the mould of society and what the world portrayed, I failed miserably. I started to understand that I cannot be like Joe Something and like extravagant Jane, and that there was me that was still to be lived and not compared to another.

In love relationships I would really get obsessive in my mind. I would constantly replay things in my mind till it sank in deep. I loved with all my heart in just a few days and I would fall dangerously in love where I become completely vulnerable. Then there were the people I looked up to. I remember I had one guy that I looked up to as my wallpaper on my phone and someone asked me, "Why do you have ... on your wallpaper?" I couldn't respond in depth but that I looked up to him. Well, they thought I was weird. I remember in Primary School someone blowed into my neck and something happened to me that I cannot explain. I never understood these feelings, but I embraced it as I walked on the journey.

So years passed and I grew in age, I started learning. I started learning about love languages in my teens. I was introduced by Chester, my friend, to learn about the wiring of people and the why they act the way they do. Then  I will never forget when Lynette Beer came to our church this year to do a presentation called personality matrix. Wow I got a kick out of this part of my journey. I learned about people, some psychology stuff, but it was made real simple and so much fun. So now I find myself talking to people and I can somehow paint a picture of how they are wired, what their love language is and what temperament they operate in. Then I approach and have the conversation accordingly. Some profound stuff.

So we find people comparing themselves to celebrities, role models, friends and strangers,  but if we only understood that we were made in fine detail to suit the Lord's heart and He finds pleasure in that, so surely we should too.

I came across this really weird singer and musician lately called Kimbra. Now if you do know me well, you would know I love everything out of the ordinary. I like weird. Give me people with piercings, tattoos, weird hair and whatnot, I can do with that. So this singer, she is a secular singer, but gosh she is super creative. There is such a unique sound and style to her music and the way she embraces herself is just phenomenal. It overflows in everything she does. The way she dresses, the way she stands, you can see she has embraced who she is.

We all have this "special" character and personality and it is like nothing that has ever been on the earth before. Misty Edwards says in one of her teachings that we underestimate the power of the soul, the mind and the heart. That we are the most treasured in all the created order. (Paraphrased). It is by time that we embrace our unique style, personality and soul. So next time you try to compare yourself to another vogue model, another tv host or great influential human being, just kill the thought because you are not like them and you will never be. Start embracing the beauty of diversity you find deep inside of you.


  1. Very intrigued especially the personality matrix.
    In this year I did a study on Astral Matrix I don't know if you've ever heard of it. I can't now recall the guys name. But he also sees deep into the universe and how the soul and spirit has its own purposes.
    This is very profound.


Abba Father (poem)

Tonight as I walked in the dark I thought about what it would be like If you were here with me in flesh If you were here holding my hand ...