I sat today, talking to a friend and colleague that I have not spoken to in a long time. My heart became sad, and I think that it started this morning again.
As I was walking to school, I realised once again that the battle is real. Our young people are fought for by the kingdom of darkness and we are doing nothing but just standing by. We watch like it is the normal "thing" to do.
Our neighbours are taking tablets, there are stories of people hanging themselves because life gets too hard. Now I know life is hard, but didn't He say be the light? What about that hopeless heart? The one we so easily overlook because we see them everyday, BUT, they are facing so much trauma and depression and just waited for the "Lets sit down and talk" to come out of our mouths. Jesus didn't give us a whole calculation in how to draw the people to Him, but instead He said "Be the light of the world and the salt of the earth."
We have not been the light lately, neither the salt. Because the light expels the darkness! It tears down the very works of darkness. We wonder why the city is under so much attack and strife, but we choose to allow the sangomas to practice their witchcraft and spells in our back yards. We take the notes stuck in the trains about "getting your lost lover back" and "getting penis enlargement" as just another poster on the walls. And I am not talking about overthrowing their gatherings and verbally attacking the vessels of darkness. No! I am talking about arresting them in the spirit through prayer and intercession. Lifting up banners of praise over the city in warfare and dancing, prayer walking and outreaches. I am sick of these perpetrators going about shooting our coloured brothers and sisters. What are we doing? Sitting in our church seats and having a good time! We are backbiting and comparing ourselves with jealousy in our hearts. If we have read the Word like He said we should, we would be stirred up to go out and reach the lost at any cost! I am talking about hugging that beggar on the street, even if he smells and you might be wearing your newest addition to your closet!
What about the schools? We are allowing generations to pass through our schools not experiencing Jesus! They want to see this Jesus! They need Him! All we do is pray the Our Father with no conviction in our hearts and that is only on a Monday. What is that? They still having sex with one another! They are still contracting HIV! They are still hanging themselves, cutting themselves, drinking, using drugs, practising dark crafts and the list is endless. No one is standing up and taking the step of boldness to tell that child that Jesus is coming and that He loves her, despite of the fact that she aborted or broke her virginity. The church is not talking about sex, so we watch pornography and we act it out. No one told us it was wrong any more, no man dare spoke to us about our hormones.
What is the church? It is the hospital for the BROKEN! They are going to sin, because sin is nice! But do not kick them out of the church, because Jesus just said catch the fish, not clean them! He does the cleaning, just catch the fish!
We worrying about when I can start a ministry, when I can do this and do that. Start somewhere! Give a hug to somebody and give of yourself. We have become so selfish and love has not been seen.
What do they say of us Christians? That we are hipocrites, liars, back stabbers, church hoppers, lustful creatures! What if they knew us for our unconditional love? The love that loves them out of their sin and addictions so that they can go and testify.
What will He say of us when we see Him face to face? Did we learn to love?
It is not about our ministries! It is not about who your spiritual father is! It is not about the money! It is not about status! Yet all these things are important, but our primary focus is to know Him, seek His face and be the light!
Expel the darkness young man! Expel the darkness young woman! Expel the darkness old man! Expel the darkness old woman! And how? We are not looking for fights, but we expel the darkness with love! We are not ISIS who slaughters people or anyone like that. We love you out of your hatred and rebellion! Our master taught us to love, to go reach out even to the ones who hates us!
So with that said, what are we doing?
Allow those people with the tattoos into your church, those young people with the piercings, allow the alcoholics and drug addicts to come and drink. He made the invitation open, who are we to say they cannot come and drink from the River of life?
Wow rebuke NOTED, challenge accepted... thanks RO