Monday, 30 October 2017

The complexity of the human being

Hey everyone! I hope that all my faithful blogger-following-peeps are doing good. I am so stoked to have you read my blog again and if this is your first time, I hope that you will join me on this journey as I use my life experiences to encourage and inspire via this platform.

As I look at the inner structure of the human being, I would like to simply compare us to an onion. Every individual, whether extrovert, ambivert or introvert, we are all very much complex in many many ways. Starting off, we believe that we have been born with a childlike nature that never really goes away. However, we grow up in life and we start to see how many things potentially can complicate the different layers we are made up of. These complications start off very small, but has painful and lasting affects on our lives that will haunt us if we do not deal with our issues.

14 "I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well. 15 My frame was not hidden from You, when I was made in secret, and skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth."

Looking at this scripture, growing up I always wondered why God "fearfully" made us, until one day when someone mentioned in church that He didn't want to mess things up, so He took His time and He intricately created us the way we are, the true us. Here we see in verse 15 that we were skillfully made. Now I am a creative and I love skill in creativity. As you flow creatively as an artist you will know that deep down you have the sense of good fear when creating a piece of art (whatever the art might be) because you want it to be marvelous and you want it to be outstanding in all of its ways, something no one has ever seen or experienced before. God being the Creative of all creatives has certainly a high sense of skill that not even the greatest student of psychology can prove of the human complexities.

Hurt, pain and trauma then starts crossing our paths us and life becomes a mess. Hence this, we tend to have the question, "But now what?". Well, it is simple, go back to the Creator and ask Him to deal with the things that are messing with His beautiful artwork.

This year I have observed people all around me and I have seen the good, the bad and the ugly. Truth is, because we are so complex, it shows that we really do not know ourselves. The complexity of the human being should not scare us off to pursue the journey of discovering oneself, but it should stir up an excitement because what is truly on the inside of us is beautiful. 

Many of us have been hurt, abused, taken advantage of and many other things. All these life experiences has wounded us. We then find that when we eventually pursue marriage, our careers, trying to love people, becoming vulnerable with those we love - we soon find that somewhere along the line there is a root that is not bearing a good tree. And chances are that we are actually more messed up than we think. 

A few of my friends and I were speaking this week about the deep effect of missing the father figure in our lives. Most of us are afraid and have become numb to the fact that there could potentially be a relationship with our fathers in the future and we would really love that. But what will it look like? What will it feel like? Will it be everything I was longing for? Will it be beautiful? 

Our lives have taken turns that we are not proud of, because one foundation, which broke, has interupted the whole process of healthy life-growth and whole-living. 

"Chances  are we are more messed up than we think"
-Rowyn Coetzee 

How do we then begin the healing process if we are so complex? 

There is only one solution that we help open the doors to many ways of walking out the healing: RETURN TO THE CREATOR. 

Jesus Christ has given Himself up as His living Word that can restore us in all areas of our lives. We do not truly know ourselves and to what magnitude we have been hurt. However, there is One who sits high above the heavens who is willing to walk us through a journey of healing and discovery. 

It is both a blessing and a curse to be complex as we are. However, it takes away the fact that we could bore out someone because they can never find the end of who we are. The more we seek, the more we discover. 

Like my page on Facebook: Rowyn Coetzee
Twitter and Instagram: @rocoetzee

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