Saturday, 7 July 2018

The Search - LHC 2018

Tonight I sit in nostalgia because of a heart that overflows with gratitude and joy. Earlier this afternoon I had returned from the amazing Lansdowne Holiday Club. LHC had become a 6 months long journey for many of us. The journey was full of meetings, intentional relationships with those we lead, resourcing of equipment and many other things.

When I started this journey, I was not fully aware of the great responsibility that came with it when I said yes to partnering with LHC. My wonderful leaders, Kelvin and Tammy, had recognised potential in me to direct the teen program for LHC this year. As the journey progressed, I started to question if I really had what it takes to see Jesus change and transform lives through my vision. All my insecurities were challenged through the great leadership culture of LHC from my organisational skills to the million feedback and evaluation sessions. 

Starting the journey, going through training with the beautiful leaders, Amy G (our co-ordinator) said that at the end of club week that we will end up being "brasse". To be honest, I didn't see that at that time. However, now I am on the other side of the spectrum. 

We were 28 leaders who willingly decided to serve with LHC this year. As we sought God for the lives of the kids and teens and prepared in training, I truly believe that it was a place where we also met with God. 

I won't forget the times we spent crying as we shared our life stories and as we worshiped Daddy together. I won't also forget the awesome fun we had dancing, eating, laughing at how people guessed our age wrong and the silly prank on stage! There were also times of serious confrontation and difference of opinion. All of these moments contributed to how we formed a culture of beauty and a place where we could grow together. 

In this week, I saw and experienced leaders grow tremendously, and this left my heart in constant expansion. 

People think that this generation is so rebelious and serving Jesus is far from their hearts. I want to say tonight that sometimes it is not because they don't want to, but because they simply don't understand who He is. The theme for this week, teen program, was The Search based around the scripture Psalm 139. As we journeyed together with the teens of the greater Lansdowne community and other friends, I began to see a picture of broken glass in a pair of hands. God then told me that He can surely take our brokenness that we think is such a mess and He can make it beautiful. That He can take our lives and make a beautiful art work from that. 

To the leaders team, you guys have phenomenally changed my life through your friendship and your hearts to serve the Lansdowne community. 

I want to publicly honour you all for being such beautiful souls. You all carry such potential to change cities and nations. It was such a pleasure to have you part of the leadership team. 

To the planning team, you all are such excellent leaders. You carry more in you than you know. Observing you as we started this journey, I have seen such beauty come from you. Thank you for your tireless pursuit to see young people transformed through Jesus. Thank you for all the driving, thinking, spontaneous project saves and all the abcs for kids and teens programs. You have been such a great support to me. 

Then to those who attended LHC this week. We appreciate you! Thank you for attending and being such amazing friends. I had so much fun spending these nights with you guys. I am so excited for what God is going to do in your hearts from here on. 

My prayer for all of us is that God will continue to take us on the journey of The Search. That even as we read Psalm 139, that this will become our stories. That we have been formed by one who really really does love us. And that loving Him is not boring, but loving Him is the best thing ever! 

We had a song that ended up being our theme song as leaders and to the LHC community, that song was Nothing I hold onto by Will Reagan and United Pursuit band. Go check them out on YouTube. 

Also, like our page on Facebook: Lansdowne Holiday club 
Also follow us on Instagram: @lansdowneholidayclub

Shalom all my friends!

#TheSearchLHC #WildWorld

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