Monday, 16 November 2015


The movement of ISIS is really a concern for me as a believer of Christ today, not because I am afraid, but because I am wondering what the church is doing in this time of a great threat. 
Really they can kill or they want to but they will fall at some point in their stupidity.

King James Bible
And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force.
-Matthew 11:12 

Surely the persecution of the church is not something we can avoid or run away from, but we have been given weapons of warfare to tear down and trash down everything that is not of God. Why is the church not seen fighting in this age? Are we just found sitting on our couches and criticising the movement of ISIS every time they show their heads with violence and terrorism? It is sad that we would rather talk than go on our knees and ask for heavenly guidance and ask that heaven come down at all cost.

I was watching a video a friend of mine shared of Dr. Cindy Trimm and it led to me watching another video. In this specific video she mentions about the church not being a religious movement, but a political movement. We enforce a government on the earth that is not shaken! A kingdom that cannot be defeated! The question is, who is actually bombarding heaven and asking for revival to hit the nations and for heaven to come? Who is actually standing in the gap before a holy God asking for mercy? So we see radicals who are standing up from all over the world, but where are the radicals from the kingdom of light with a calibre such as Dr. Cindy Trimm? We need modern day Moses and Esthers to arise in this time! Deliverers and revivalists who will shake nations and turn the world upside down. 

To be honest, it is pathetic that a group of radical Islam terrorists are shaking the world. In the book of Acts it was the apostles that turned the world upside down! They went out with the power and demonstration of the Holy Spirit and they took dominion in the Name of Yeshua! We are too calm and relaxed about this issue, and then before we know it they are under our noses threatening to kill and rob prematurely. The heavenly hosts are waiting for the Father to send forth armies, but the Father is waiting on the sons of God to say, "Yes send them Lord, as a covering for our nation and people". 

Then we get to our own government who finds it okay to dedicate South Africa to ancestors and do dealings with wicked people. Do they not see that they are bringing judgement upon themselves from an angry God who is ready to judge the nations with righteousness and truth?

Why do we then wonder why our brothers and sisters are killing each other, people are dying of hunger, churches are breaking down, lawlessness becomes the language of the nation? It is because the land has been dedicated to foreign idols and false gods and the Christians are found sleeping! May God Jehovah help us and may He shake everything that can be shaken! Awaken the hand and arm of the Lord intercessors and arise in the pursuit of the invasion of heaven on earth. Where is the remnant people? Where are those who carry the fire in their mouths? Where are those in law and parliament to establish laws and cause influence in government? 

Establish and decree people of God! Establish the Word of the Lord in the atmosphere of South Africa and the nations! May God raise up His remnant people whom He has prepared and is preparing. There is a war coming and we better be awake and armed!

My desire is that the radicals will arise and not take defeat as an answer. Today I am calling 12  year olds, 16 year olds, 20 year olds to wholly devout themselves to the Lord in the lifestyle of fasting and prayer, young people who will rend the heavens like those of the brothers of thunder! People who will shake nations when they open their mouths and who carry the annointing of the Father! Like that of Elijah, a fearless annointing to bring down the fire from heaven. I am calling a people who is not afraid to call down heaven at any cost! 

Don't stop running with the fire of God, let the world know your God! He is Yahweh the everlasting God who never sleeps nor slumbers, and every other god must bow before Him! 

In the Name of Jesus, Yeshua, Messiah!

Rowyn Coetzee. 

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