Anyway, I came across a spontaneous song by Steffany Frizzell and William Matthews sung at Desperation 2015. The song starts with spontaneous singing and laughter but there comes a part in the song where Steffany encourages the people about joy and becoming like a child again. I was so reminded of what Jesus wants us to be like in the kingdom. Surely we are royalty, maybe flow in warfare, carty great anointings upon our lives, flow in all the gifts and all the other stuff but if we don't lay down our pride and become like children then we will not enter the kingdom.
Every now and then I get inspired to ask the Lord to make me like a child again, because I start to realise how prideful or how "grown up" I have become. Steffany mentions that she has a one year old daughter, called Wonder, now and she acts more foolish than she ever acted before. There is an innocence that a child has. There is also a desperation a child has. If they want it, they will ask and ask and ask. God wants us to be dependent like they are on their parents or parent. That is what He desires of us as the church. Despite of how we grow in maturity and wisdom, He still desires us to be like a child, like a little child. To say sorry when we hurt another, to love beyond colour or culture, to be humble and obedient.
Did we forget why satan fell? It was because of pride. So Jesus comes along with an antidote for when we are tempted to operate in prideful and human ways, and that is to become like a child and die to our own ways and crucify our own passions to listen and obey Him alone.
I have seen intercessors and mighty people of God operate in a powerful anointing during ministry time, but there comes a time where they somehow leak that into the way they treat people on a usual day. I become sad when I see they talk or speak to people in a way that is not suitable to the next person. I think to myself, you need to learn to become a child again and see the world through Jesus' eyes.
Imagine we all humbled ourselves like a little child, church would be a much better place. Imagine during worship we all became free like children and just started worshipping and dancing before our God not ashamed and not all grown up, we would enter into realms of glory we have not experienced before because of our humility before a good Father.
If you you look at my choice of friends, I have some crazy people as friends. Sometimes when people look at my friends and I, their expression on their faces just is in awe. How can this Christian boy be so crazy and so free? The key is the JOY is our strength. Joy is not laughter or joking about, but it is the inner strength God gives to continue in the journey. If we don't have the JOY of God poured out in us when He needs to, how shall we then continue with strength on the journey? This is what He desires, this is His heart for mankind.
May God just give us a heart of a child. May He teach us to unlearn the walls we have built because of hurt and the scars because of the sorrows of life. This is the challenging part right here, to forgive and let go like a child. May God just walk with us and teach us to be like Him and reveal the desires of His heart.
Lets love and become like little children beloved.
Shalom, Rowyn Coetzee.
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