Since we were conceived, there has been this continuity of a war. A war for our soul, and since then both the kingdom of light and the kingdom of darkness has been fighting and waging war for our weak but powerful souls.
Many people don't understand this and that is why we continue to fall into the same traps of temptation and sinful desires, but if we understood what was happening in the realm of the unseen, then we would understand. Since birth some of us were destined to prematurely die through abortion, vehicle accidents and traumatic experiences. It was destined by forces of darkness to kill, steal and destroy a people who doesn't yet know that they are royalty. I kind of get the picture that when we were born or conceived that an announcement was made in the spiritual realm saying, "This will be the next prophet sent to the earth", "This will be the next intercessory worshiper who will stand watch over God's people". So in the discovery of the frailty of life, we seek to find meaning and both kingdoms sought to give us the meaning they have for us, because truthfully both kingdoms have plans for us.
We get to that place where we decide which kingdom we choose to stand with and pledge allegiance to. This day becomes vital to where we would spend eternity one day. Choose the kingdom of darkness with foreign idols and false gods and you end up in the eternal tormenting fire. Choose the kingdom of light which is reigned by the Elohim God, Father, Son (Jesus Christ) and Holy Spirit, there you have beauty far beyond human imagination.
There is a cry and a battle for our souls people. The enemy seeks to destroy us by first recruiting us to living like we please and then he destroys us. My friend Chester Philander says this thing, "The enemy plants a seed in our foundation so that when we grow older, we have a corrupt foundation. Therefore our houses won't stand" (paraphrased). So we are raped, sexually abused, molested, called names, attacked, robbed, mislead, deceived, raised in eastern religions, raised with false doctrine, addicted to substances and so many other things at a young age. Because of sin, now this life is corrupt. It comes like weeds in our garden seeking to devour our plants and flowers. Then Jesus standing in the kingdom of light fights for our souls by sending evangelists and labourers in the field to preach the gospel and spread the message of hope. He seeks to combat the destroying works of the enemy to bring us into the will of the Father God. So we think it is fine to have sex here and there and to smoke our weed and drink till we are drunk, but we don't see the end plan and that is to devour us.
Since I was a small child I was called gay and called feminine and touched in sexual ways, because I was not like the other coloured boys. I was soft, I was physically affectionate and I loved people. I didn't understand that I was different. That I was my own person. So these children dressed me in robes of filthy names and insecurities, and I started acting out on what they called me to be. As innocent and ignorant these kids were at the time, they were used as vessels to plant seeds to destroy me, and surely I was scarred growing up in my teenage years.
Both kingdoms seek to dress us with robes. They prepare it very carefully and strategically. Some of us are wearing robes of brokeness from our past and we are embracing it. The Lord seeks to strip us of every robe the enemy and people have clothed us with. Robes of false identity. Identity that was not given by God our Father but from the devil.
So daily we are living in a war zone for our souls. There is a battle. Principalities and powers fight against forces of light and angels of rank fight against workers of wickedness and darkness. Till the very end this battle continues, but we have the final choice.
Today the question goes out, who shall you serve and pledge allegiance to? He is coming again to judge His creation, where will you be found?
If it is darkness and serving false idols and foreign gods, you will lose in the end. For light expels darkness and judgement will come to the peoples of the earth who turn their backs on the sovereign One who sits on the throne.
Instagram: rocoetzee
Twitter: rocoetzee
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